"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
-Thomas Jefferson

Friday, December 3, 2010


There's a lot of discussion about the TSA advanced security screenings lately.
Personally, I never fly. I used to love flying until people went Security-crazy about a decade ago, and forgot that personal and civil liberties don't have to be checked, and thrown out if they contain more than 3oz. of patriotism.
Advanced security measures are a joke anyhow. x-rays that only penetrate clothing, pat downs through clothing...these things are NO GUARANTEE of safety.
Extremists could still hide explosives up their...... "Cavities" So what's next? Body-Cavity searches for everyone? -PASS.

And what's the point anyhow? Does not giving up out privacy in such a flagrant manner go completely against Benjamin Franklin's now very famous Proclimation that Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase temporary safety, deserve neither? Is not the freedom of privacy essential, is a flight not temporary?

How paranoid and trembly-scared have we, as a nation become when this doesn't just stir us to outrage? We're being groped by government officials.....Dramatic to say, I know, but think about it...Travelers are LITTERALLY paying money, and lining up to have Government security officials, Rummage through their things, and either take pictures of them naked, or physically grope them, with the real possibility of a strip, and full-body-cavity-search.....and they don't even buy you a drink.................In fact, they take the drinks you have AWAY!
Again, I know it seems dramatic, but in all reality, when you stop.....stop and REALLY think about it, can you honestly say you are comfortable with the situation? No? Then why do you tollerate it?

- I'm sure, to many, being checked in the airport is nothing more than a minor inconvenience, but to the observant, we see what's happening with the TSA and wonder, "Where does it end?"

Here, a private industry (airlines) has been hijacked by an overreaching Government (who are excluded from screenings, by the way) and we just let it pass like it's nothing.

Many would point to the patriot act,and the legalization of things like phone and internet monitoring, security cameras in public places, GPS tracking through your Cell Phone, and things like the Real ID act as signs that we've let things go TOO FAR!

I don't want to be labeled a nut-job, (too late) but can you honestly say you feel safer because of all this "Security?"
I for one feel FAR less safe! I just feel surrounded and bullied by the preverbial "Big Brother." I don't like it, I want to live in a world where I'm not being coddled by a Government. I think airline security should be up to the Airlines. not a group of unarmed police, formed 10 years ago, specifically to bully and harrass airlines and their passangers.

You know, airport security had a pretty good run pre- 9/11. If security were up to AIRLINES, in this, "post 9/11 world" I imagine we'd have some varriety in the strictness of security. I can see the advertising now..."don't like how unsecure you feel on that airline? distrusting of Muslims, and "other people?" We offer Gropings, and nude photos of you! to give you awkward, and uncomfortable peace of mind."
-and the counterpart, the airline which 'I' would fly: -"We won't touch you, we're straight with you; You may get hijacked, and the Airforce will shoot you down over branson, if you don't take controll back, are you okay with this? -Welcome aboard, sir!"

Frankly, I think The day I let myself be overpowered by nailclippers, is the day I deserve to die.