"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
-Thomas Jefferson

Friday, December 3, 2010


There's a lot of discussion about the TSA advanced security screenings lately.
Personally, I never fly. I used to love flying until people went Security-crazy about a decade ago, and forgot that personal and civil liberties don't have to be checked, and thrown out if they contain more than 3oz. of patriotism.
Advanced security measures are a joke anyhow. x-rays that only penetrate clothing, pat downs through clothing...these things are NO GUARANTEE of safety.
Extremists could still hide explosives up their...... "Cavities" So what's next? Body-Cavity searches for everyone? -PASS.

And what's the point anyhow? Does not giving up out privacy in such a flagrant manner go completely against Benjamin Franklin's now very famous Proclimation that Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase temporary safety, deserve neither? Is not the freedom of privacy essential, is a flight not temporary?

How paranoid and trembly-scared have we, as a nation become when this doesn't just stir us to outrage? We're being groped by government officials.....Dramatic to say, I know, but think about it...Travelers are LITTERALLY paying money, and lining up to have Government security officials, Rummage through their things, and either take pictures of them naked, or physically grope them, with the real possibility of a strip, and full-body-cavity-search.....and they don't even buy you a drink.................In fact, they take the drinks you have AWAY!
Again, I know it seems dramatic, but in all reality, when you stop.....stop and REALLY think about it, can you honestly say you are comfortable with the situation? No? Then why do you tollerate it?

- I'm sure, to many, being checked in the airport is nothing more than a minor inconvenience, but to the observant, we see what's happening with the TSA and wonder, "Where does it end?"

Here, a private industry (airlines) has been hijacked by an overreaching Government (who are excluded from screenings, by the way) and we just let it pass like it's nothing.

Many would point to the patriot act,and the legalization of things like phone and internet monitoring, security cameras in public places, GPS tracking through your Cell Phone, and things like the Real ID act as signs that we've let things go TOO FAR!

I don't want to be labeled a nut-job, (too late) but can you honestly say you feel safer because of all this "Security?"
I for one feel FAR less safe! I just feel surrounded and bullied by the preverbial "Big Brother." I don't like it, I want to live in a world where I'm not being coddled by a Government. I think airline security should be up to the Airlines. not a group of unarmed police, formed 10 years ago, specifically to bully and harrass airlines and their passangers.

You know, airport security had a pretty good run pre- 9/11. If security were up to AIRLINES, in this, "post 9/11 world" I imagine we'd have some varriety in the strictness of security. I can see the advertising now..."don't like how unsecure you feel on that airline? distrusting of Muslims, and "other people?" We offer Gropings, and nude photos of you! to give you awkward, and uncomfortable peace of mind."
-and the counterpart, the airline which 'I' would fly: -"We won't touch you, we're straight with you; You may get hijacked, and the Airforce will shoot you down over branson, if you don't take controll back, are you okay with this? -Welcome aboard, sir!"

Frankly, I think The day I let myself be overpowered by nailclippers, is the day I deserve to die.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Something has occurred to me: It is the new Status Quo, that Health care is a "Right." So, it seems as though Food and Drink should also be a right, Perhaps shelter as well?
Here's an Idea: Maybe we could have our government distribute our food to us based on what THEY deem appropriate for each citizen, Just like health care, and then they could give us our shelter as well! Heck, lets just throw out Capitalism all together and go completely to Communism; That sounds acceptable, doesn't it?
How could it possibly go wrong?


.............................I can't imagine any way that government control of health care, food, and shelter could ever go wrong.

Some may not be able to see the connection between health care and sustenance. But It is VERY obvious to me, that it is another inevitable step. Some people are uninsured, we'll provide it. Some people can't eat, we'll feed them.
Isn't our new (false) Messiah so generous? Bestowing rights on us like a god? Curring his people's illness....Never mind the very human cost of all his Gracious "gifts."

It's Communism.
And if communism is so Great, why have people in Communist Nations routinely risked their lives to escape?
Even in the Liberal holy land, the Fee(albeit Horrible)Health care land of Cuba. People routinely risk their own lives, and the lives of their families on a gamble of long odds, to ride any piece of scrap they can find to com to the amazing, CAPITALIST America. Because Freedom is THAT important.

But here we are, throwing away our hard fought reward of freedom; and for what?
A false promise that SOME, not all but SOME Americans will be covered for limited health insurance, and a promise of further control of our very lives.

In writing this, I've been trying to think up one instance of when a Non-Criminal has ever fled the Us, for freedom; The funny thing is, I can only think of one instance, and t was the case of the parents who fled to Mexico with their daughter, trying to escape what?
Government Mandated Health care.

I'll end this entry on that note.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Burning the Constitution.

Well my friends, They've done it.
They have thrown out Checks and balances, they have ignored the American people, and they have Bastardized the very teachings and standards of the founding fathers.

We are lost.

The time for negotiations is past. Every time we tried reason, progressives blocked us with irrationality, and blind ambition for control. A time of action is upon us. I am speaking of a revolution.
We MUST take back our nation. We MUST fight. We MUST above all else, restore our nation.
We must rise up and overthrow our corrupt, and unpatriotic leadership.
We must protect our country, and our constitution from all threats both foreign AND Domestic.

And this Health care bill, and the sleazy and snakelike ways it has been rammed through, despite majority contention, and bypassing the house of representatives.....
My countrymen, this is in every way a threat; Nay, an assault on the very foundation on the freedom and foundation of our nation.

It falls to us. It falls to everyday people, Fathers and Mothers, Sons and daughters, EVERY MAN, WOMAN and CHILD to rise and TAKE BACK OUR NATION.
We no longer have the luxury of apathy. We are all effected, and if we let this pass without consequence, we will all be responsible for the destruction of Freedom, of over two hundred years of liberty, ambition, and decency. Stand my fellow Americans, Stand and fight!
Fight until we reclaim our Country.

Stand and be counted. Stand for freedom. Stand for what you know in your hearts is right. Please join me. My Countrymen.

Please just Stand.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Healthcare reform, the catalyst of a second American Revolution?

Well, it has passed. The most expensive, fruitless endevor in American history: "Obama-Care."
In the midst of a recession, barreling headlong towards a depression, and the collapse of the Current U.S. Government, Congress has seen fit to pass a Bill which will force higher taxes, decrease the Quality of healthcare, and cover all of about 9% of Americans.

As I mentioned before, you have to stop and as yourself, why? I have given my opinion regarding this in my last healthcare post: Control, Control and forced Communism.
Once everybody is broke and jobless, we will have no choice but to go to the government for help. No work, high taxation, a Government who is solely responsable for providing for the needs of it's people, This is Communism.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for healthcare reform; I know better than most' the devistating financial burden healthcare can place on a person and their family. But all reform, unlike men, are not equal. Just because there is a plan, doessn't mean it's a good one.

I have to wonder how long the people will stand for this attrocity. How long will we sit back and let this tide of oppression wash over us? Will we wait until it's too late? Will we wait until we are too poor, downtrodened, and broken to fight?
I think Conservative America is too strong, too proud, and too rational to let this happen. I think that they will fight, I prey they will fight.
I'm not calling for war here, I just want the Government to realize it's a distinct possibility if they push us to far!
Many might believe that there are too many people who don't agree with the Conservatives to have the actual possibility of an uprising. Over 80% of the Population of America didn't agree with George Washington when he began his fight against Brittish Tyranny.
Even fewer people supported the actions of the Sons of liberty.
The time for action is NOW. We must follow in the footsteps of our founding fathers and take action. Send a clear and concise message to Washington, that we will not stand for this trechery, and that we will Fight and it is up to them HOW we fight. We will fight them civily in the Senate, in Congress and with peacefull protests, But if they continue to ignore the will of the people, to disregard us and our will: We will take up arms.
We will cast them out and take back power just like our forfathers did over 200 years ago, because we are Americans. We believe that the Constition is SET IN STONE, not some "Living Document" meant to be changed at the whims of power hungery men who considerthemselves some kind of devine Saviors, or Demigods.
We are strong, resalute, and driven toward freedom. We are Proud, hardworking, and honorable. We don't need some Government coddeling us, and we won't stand for it when they try.
I do not want to see bloodshed, I prey fervently that that will be avoided, but not at the cost of our freedom.

Thomas Jefferson once said:
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."

Thomas Paine stated:
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one." -

The words of James Madison:
"If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one, subject to particular exceptions."

Again, from Thomas Jefferson:
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."

And finally, from Benjamin Franklin:
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security."

My friends, we must take the words of our founders to heart. I have heard MANY refer to people who follow these words referred to as "Extremists, Ignorant, radicals, and even Terrorists."
If following the words of the most intellegent men ever to life, the founders of the greatest nation on earth, ond the protectors of freedom and liberty, makes me any of those things, I will wear that title with pride. I am not a Terrorist, nor am I ignorant, or an extremist.

I am a partiot.
Patriots remember history. They follow the examples of great men, they recognize right from wrong, and they are willing to fight to defend that which is good.

This Healthcare reform will be the financial end of American freedom, lest we act NOW! we cannot hesitate, we cannot "wait and see what happens," while we are taxed into oblivion, while our freedoms are further robbed and taken out from under us.

This is a call, not to war, but to action. Who amongst the population will answer?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The influence of Parents / You Candy ass, America.

This post is a series of personal stories and experiences highlighting what I feel is a problem of epidemic porportions in this country.
This might be percieved as a little controversial at points. You might not like everything you read here, but if you Neo-Hippie, new age, left wing Fat-cats truly support open-mindedness, You need to hear all sides of a thing.


I grew up all over this fine country. I mean it! Before the age of 10 I had lived in 12 states and seen about 40.
What this upbringing afforded me more than anything, was love.
I love this nation, I love traveling, I love falling asleep in my bed and waking up on the road. But more than anything, I love my Family.
I spent more time with my family before I was 10 than most people do before they die. There is a special connection I have with my family. Much of my childhood was spent in the back of an ‘83 Dodge Ram Charger, driving from one state I had grown to call home, to a new one.
All three kids (of the time, there are now five) and my Parents, 24 hours a day, in a truck or hotel room. Always together, always learning and sharing experiences. There was no DVD player in the truck, No headphones, or Cell phones; When problems arose, you worked them out, what other choice did you have? We were taught good values, Morals, Respect, and as a bonus, how to drive.

Our travels would occasionally lead us to the home of My Grandparents on my father’s side.

My grandfather lived in the middle of a forest, on a Mountain, on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state.
“Grandpa’s mountain” was my only real home. Wherever we went, Grandpa’s mountain would still be there.
Whenever we would to visit, I would sit and listen to Grandpa’s war stories, help with the maintenance of the land, and play games like Solomon-Grundy in the forest.
It was home.
Solomon-Grundy is a game which my grandfather created; To play the game, First, everybody seeks out a comfortable walking stick, they carve and decorate it to their liking, and everybody darts into the woods in a separate direction. You then stalk through the woods until you see somebody else, at which time you sneak up close, shout “SOLOMON-GRUNDY” and then you beat on each other with sticks until one of you gets knocked out, tuckered out, or injured enough to go wait on the porch where grandma would be talking with mom.
The victor on the other hand, would go back to the game. The last man standing was the champion.
There were a number of life lessons taught playing this game, not the least of which was you have to be tough.

Whenever we weren’t traveling, I was always outside. No matter what state I was in that day, when we stopped, I was playing in creeks, playing in Parks, Making new friends, and sometimes, making new enemies. I wasn’t a particularly disagreeable kid, but I was an awkward kid.
However, Learning how to fight is part of growing up, and for the most part, I got along alright.

I was raised “in the old ways.”
I would run off all day long, I scraped my knees, burned myself on camp fires, fell out of trees, got dirty, got bloody noses and split lips in fights, swam in dirty canals and played in mud! And at the end of the day, I came home, got into the bath, went to bed, and did it all again the next day, because that is what growing up was.

Now days a parent would have their child taken from them if they didn’t know where they were all day. If they had bloody noses and torn clothes. In my old man’s day, nobody thought twice about a seven year old kid buying candy on his own, with torn jeans and scabs all over. That’s how it was for him; that’s how it was for me.
I’m still alive, and I’m doing alright.

Wherever we were, Come sunday, we always managed to find a church. We gave thanks to God for what we had. We were greatfull for our family, for the Work, that our truck was still running, and for our experiences.
The children were greatful for the sacrafice, and rightousness of our parents.
We were raised with gratitude in our hearts. Gratitude to our parents, and gratitude to God.

I can remember when I was four years old, I got my first pocket knife. It was a “Real Boy Scout Knife” It was blue and had the Boy Scout wolf on it. Dad gave it to me and taught me the right and safe way to open and close it. The safe techniques for sharpening, cutting and carving, and that I WOULDN’T ever use it in a Fight. Not that I SHOULDN’T, That I Wouldn’t!! Period. And I never did.
At Age Five I got my first B.B. Gun. A Red Rider; That’s right, a REAL Red Rider.
Dad gave it to me, and taught me a few things. How to load it, Cock it, clean it, the safe way to shoot, and that I would NEVER point it at ANYBODY.

I tell you these stories to illustrate a few points; First the ages at which I received these gifts from my father: 4, and 5. my father taught me to be responsible at an early age. Did I cut myself with that knife? I’m sure I probably did, but Not so badly I remember, or have scars from it. Did I ever catch a ricochet from that B.B. Gun? Once, One and only one time.
Now, here’s the real question: did I ever cut or shoot anybody else? The answer, as you have probably guessed already, is NO. My father had given me a gift. A gift I understood was not like a toy, but a responsibility. And how did I realize that? Discipline. You can find that in the "patriot-dictionary” under Love.

The other reason I relay these tales of my youth is to illustrate that even from a young age, I was not fed the “Guns are evil, and only used to kill people” Garbage that so many people seem to believe today. In reality 76% of people in the U.S. believe it is their individual, constitutional, right.
My father carried a .357 under the seat of our Dodge, a .380 in the center column, and rifles in the trailer. We kids knew that they were there, we knew how they worked, we knew how to use them, and we never TOUCHED them. We didn’t want to. It never even crossed our minds. We knew they weren’t toys, and we knew that they could be dangerous.

Watching my parents work hard, and drag their family all over the world to support us, was also a learning experience. I was raised with a strong work ethic; which is something that I’ve carried with me all my life; from working crap jobs, to my schooling. I have always seen the good in working hard. One of my favorite things in life is getting into a shower and having Black water pour off of me. I love the feeling of a hard days work.

My Parents encouraged me to be a Boy Scout. From the age of five I was in Tiger Scouts, at age eight I was in Cub Scouts, at Twelve I was made a Boy Scout.
My folks helped and encouraged me all throughout my Scouting career. Whether buying me a tent, helping me review the Scout oath and law, or teaching me the skills necessary to achieve all that I could.
They recognized that the Boy Scouts were an important growing experience.
I never made eagle. I made First class with multiple eagle palms and a completed Eagle Project. But I was a very weak swimmer, and couldn’t be made an eagle before I turned 18. Had I trained harder, I probably could’ve improved my skills as a swimmer, but I waited to long, and my deadline came up. My Father tried to tell me. He encouraged me, and drove me to the local swimming pool to train. But I was convinced that I had plenty of time, and would be able to master the skill with time to spare.
I look back on this as my only regret in life. But regret teaches us discipline, and encourages us to work harder in the future.

Parents: Love your children; Raise them with love, discipline, and independance. Love them, don't coddle them. What you teach your children is what they will remember, and follow throughout their lives. Raise them with good morals, strong ethic, and a love of their fellow man, and God.
If you do this, you will end up with good, hard working, generous, tough, proud Americans.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The endless War on guns.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

-That is the COMPLETE text of the second ammendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. It is so straight forward. I can't figure out how people can misinterperate it.

This is the first of what I suspect will be MANY posts regarding the second amendment on this blog.

There are those who would say such things as, “Our founding fathers never intended for us to have the guns we do. They couldn’t have imagined the power of current weaponry.”
WRONG. They meant for We the People to have WHATEVER means necessary to defend ourselves from WHATEVER means by which we are attacked.
The original arms the founders of this great nation included swords, spears, bayonets, rifles, pistols, and even cannons ANYTHING the people could afford. If they’d had Springfield Soccom 2’s, or Aerolite .50 cals. at the time, there is do doubt they would have included them.
The reason the Constitution includes the right to bear arms, is to defend against tyrants by any means necessary.
Why would they include such an amendment? Because they had just fought a massive and bloody war against tyrants! Had they been outgunned, they would have lost the war, and there would have been no free America. Further, they had just fought against their ruling government. This wasn’t a foreign invader. It was their own tyrannical, Government. I think people have forgotten that. It was a government that wanted to disarm them so they couldn’t revolt. The people recognized this, and made a preemptive strike before they had been completely disarmed.
Another issue you must remember, is that not all of the nation WANTED liberty. Many were British loyalists. They were happy to live the life of British Dominance.
Sometimes doing what’s right, means going against the will of a complacent, and somnambulant public.

Again, they argue: “Our founding Fathers, never intended for us to use Modern guns, the second amendment only applies to the guns of THEIR time.”

I hear this argument Time, and Time again.
If that is true, then the first amendment is also restricted by the same application.
Meaning the freedom of speech is only intended for the technology of the time.
So, the freedom of speech clearly does not apply to Telephone, radio, Cellular Phone, Blog, online forum, email, text message, marquise, bumper sticker, T-shirt, music, recording, tattoo, billboard, movie, magazine, electric sign etc.
In fact, the only places free speech is recognized are live discussion, parchment, and the “town holler.”
Hey, these aren’t my rules they are apparently the Un-written rules of the constitution, any left=wing nut job can tell you all about it.

In addition to my previous lessons, I make the following argument to those who say,

“Why do you need a gun? You can call the police.”

I say:
“Why do you have a Fire extinguisher? You can call the fire department.”

There is no difference! You keep a fire extinguisher so that you can battle a fire until the fire department can arrive, and you keep a gun for the same reason.
Sometimes with an extinguisher, you won’t even need to call the Fire Department.
Again, the same applies with a gun and criminals.
Just because you have a work force available to you, doesn’t mean you should sit back and resign yourself to apathy.
Be proactive! Be productive, but most of all, be armed!

To those who lobby for more strict gun laws, I present to you these facts:

Automatic weapons are all but illegal in the U.S. You need special training, expensive licensing. And buying one in a gun shop usually requires it being shipped in, and it raises all sorts of red flags. Yet somehow, criminals manage to get a hold of them.
The fact still remains that automatic weapons are used in Crimes committed in the U.S. almost EVERY DAY. More than are sold through legal outlets, Further proof that gun sales do not even equal effective gun control. If you want to control gun crime, watch the borders more vigilantly. Criminals don’t buy guns at gun shops, they don’t buy them at gun shows, they don’t even buy them out of the newspaper! Criminals buy their guns from other criminals, they buy stolen guns or illegally smuggled guns. Guns which will have no trail back to them. It’s a fact.

In 2007 The National Academy of Science researched hundreds of case files and law records, to find a correlation between gun laws and a decrease in violent gun crime. Six of the seven scientists were openly against guns and had a vendetta against legal gun ownership. The survey was conducted with a vendetta against guns.
However, the result of said research revealed gun laws have no effect in deterring violent gun crime even in the least. And in fact all of the scientists involved are now avid Gun supporters.

In 1976 Washington D.C. enacted the strictest gun laws in the nation (which were later found to be unconstitutional.) and in the first year, violent gun crime rose by 30%
It’s a fact. Science has shown that Gun laws are COMPLETELY Ineffective. No question, No two ways about it, no anything.

According to the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Bill:

Citizens with carry permits are more law-abiding than the general public. Only 0.01% of nearly 1.2 million permits issued by Florida have been revoked because of firearm crimes by permit holders. Similarly low percentages of permits have been revoked in Texas, Virginia, and other RTC states that keep such statistics. RTC is widely supported by law enforcement officials and groups.

States with RTC laws have lower violent crime rates. On average, 22% lower total violent crime, 30% lower murder, 46% lower robbery, and 12% lower aggravated assault, compared to the rest of the country. The seven states with the lowest violent crime rates are RTC states. (Data: FBI.)

Crime declines in states with RTC laws. Since adopting RTC in 1987, Florida’s total violent crime and murder rates have dropped 32% and 58%, respectively. Texas’ violent crime and murder rates have dropped 20% and 31%, respectively, since its 1996 RTC law. (Data: FBI.)

The right of self-defense is fundamental, and has been recognized in law for centuries. The Declaration of Independence asserts that "life" is among the unalienable rights of all people. The Second Amendment guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms for "security."

The laws of all states and constitutions of most states recognize the right to use force in self-defense. The Supreme Court has stated that a person "may repel force by force" in self-defense, and is "entitled to stand his ground and meet any attack made upon him with a deadly weapon, in such a way and with such force" as needed to prevent "great bodily injury or death." (Beard v. U.S., 1895)

Congress affirmed the right to guns for "protective purposes" in the Gun Control Act (1968) and Firearm Owners’ Protection Act (1986). In 1982, the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on the Constitution described the right to arms as "a right of the individual citizen to privately possess and carry in a peaceful manner firearms and similar arms."

So, this is my official Challenge. I am calling out Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Barak Obama, Debora Feinstein, and anybody who follows them in their unjust war against guns.
You show me the science behind your fallacious claims. Your hatred is unfounded, it is prejudice, I see it as nothing more than discrimination; and according to the principles which you claim to support Discrimination is a hate crime.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

What's the true cost of Healthcare?

The Senate Healthcare bill is moving forward.

You have to ask yourself, Why? Why in the face of over 50% opposition, in the face of being voted out of office, would senators be willing to throw their political careers under the perverbial bus? It makes no sense.
Unless -and call me a conspiricay nut- they are TRYING to bankrupt this country. I mean, China's saying they won't loan us any more money if the bill passes, it's goin to drive our debt up exponentially, and irreversibly.....So why else would they do it? WHY!?!?!
We all know over 30 million American's still won't be covered, it is insane!

I feel like the sailors on the U.S.S. Enterprise Watching Kamakazi's craning theselves into the sea for the first time, Not knowing what to think. Watching the madness unfold all around me, and not being able to make sense of it; when suddenly, one of those flaming planes comes screaming toward my flight deck, and I realize, Insane though it is, They have a purpose for their suicidal behavior.
Really, one could compare the senators who voted for the bill to be kamakazi's of a political sort. Their blind devotion to their leader, unflinching, unquestioning the madness even until suicidal, flaming death. The death of their political careers, the end of our free, prosperous nation.
And for what?

For the Enola Gay to fly over and drop "Little Boy" on our heads?

Is that our fate? Obviousely, I'm speaking in metaphore, but what happened to the Kamakazi's? what happened to their nation? What happened to the people....................What will happen to us?
Some people, I'm sure, will think I'm overreacting. I'm sure that more still will think I'm just being dramatic. But I love my country, and I hate Socialism. If I'm being dramatic, then I just wish more people would be a little bit more dramatic themselves. People, you have resigned yourselves to apathy and complacency! Perhaps we as a Nation ALL have. I'm sure people accused George Washington of being dramatic, they said he was overreacting, The majority of the people in America were opposed to Washington. They wanted to remain subserviant, to be taken care of, but George Washington stood up for what was right. even if it made him a criminal, even if it made him disesteemed, and resented. Even if it cold cost him his life. George Washington stood against tyranny.

The time is soon aproaching. I believe a line is being drawn in the sand. With whom will you stand? Those subserviant to Tyrants, or those Free people Loyal to the Constitution.

I am not an extremist. I have no radical ties. I'm just a regular guy, an artist from a farmtown in Idaho. I'm not calling for war. I don't want war. I hate war.

I want the people to put their feet down, stand their ground and in one voice cry "No More!"

To remind the Government that they cannot do whatever they want. That they are supposed to be the mouthpiece of the people; nothing more. Perhaps the time has come for US to remember, we have voices of our own, and we will speak loudly and resalute for ourselves! We will not believe what we can obviousely see to be lies. We don't have to stand by and let Tyrany wash over us like a tsunami of destrustion which cannot be stopped. We can withstand any storm. For 233 years it has been so. We Will Weather This Storm. and when history looks back on us, they will look back with pride and gratitude that in the face of a terrible and frightening force, we said "NO MORE!" and the free republic of America will see what WE have done, and it will inspire THEM to greatness. Our actions now will not only effect us, but all generations after us. History remembers greatness. How will you be rememberred?