"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
-Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Burning the Constitution.

Well my friends, They've done it.
They have thrown out Checks and balances, they have ignored the American people, and they have Bastardized the very teachings and standards of the founding fathers.

We are lost.

The time for negotiations is past. Every time we tried reason, progressives blocked us with irrationality, and blind ambition for control. A time of action is upon us. I am speaking of a revolution.
We MUST take back our nation. We MUST fight. We MUST above all else, restore our nation.
We must rise up and overthrow our corrupt, and unpatriotic leadership.
We must protect our country, and our constitution from all threats both foreign AND Domestic.

And this Health care bill, and the sleazy and snakelike ways it has been rammed through, despite majority contention, and bypassing the house of representatives.....
My countrymen, this is in every way a threat; Nay, an assault on the very foundation on the freedom and foundation of our nation.

It falls to us. It falls to everyday people, Fathers and Mothers, Sons and daughters, EVERY MAN, WOMAN and CHILD to rise and TAKE BACK OUR NATION.
We no longer have the luxury of apathy. We are all effected, and if we let this pass without consequence, we will all be responsible for the destruction of Freedom, of over two hundred years of liberty, ambition, and decency. Stand my fellow Americans, Stand and fight!
Fight until we reclaim our Country.

Stand and be counted. Stand for freedom. Stand for what you know in your hearts is right. Please join me. My Countrymen.

Please just Stand.

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