Well, it has passed. The most expensive, fruitless endevor in American history: "Obama-Care."
In the midst of a recession, barreling headlong towards a depression, and the collapse of the Current U.S. Government, Congress has seen fit to pass a Bill which will force higher taxes, decrease the Quality of healthcare, and cover all of about 9% of Americans.
As I mentioned before, you have to stop and as yourself, why? I have given my opinion regarding this in my last healthcare post: Control, Control and forced Communism.
Once everybody is broke and jobless, we will have no choice but to go to the government for help. No work, high taxation, a Government who is solely responsable for providing for the needs of it's people, This is Communism.
Don't get me wrong, I am all for healthcare reform; I know better than most' the devistating financial burden healthcare can place on a person and their family. But all reform, unlike men, are not equal. Just because there is a plan, doessn't mean it's a good one.
I have to wonder how long the people will stand for this attrocity. How long will we sit back and let this tide of oppression wash over us? Will we wait until it's too late? Will we wait until we are too poor, downtrodened, and broken to fight?
I think Conservative America is too strong, too proud, and too rational to let this happen. I think that they will fight, I prey they will fight.
I'm not calling for war here, I just want the Government to realize it's a distinct possibility if they push us to far!
Many might believe that there are too many people who don't agree with the Conservatives to have the actual possibility of an uprising. Over 80% of the Population of America didn't agree with George Washington when he began his fight against Brittish Tyranny.
Even fewer people supported the actions of the Sons of liberty.
The time for action is NOW. We must follow in the footsteps of our founding fathers and take action. Send a clear and concise message to Washington, that we will not stand for this trechery, and that we will Fight and it is up to them HOW we fight. We will fight them civily in the Senate, in Congress and with peacefull protests, But if they continue to ignore the will of the people, to disregard us and our will: We will take up arms.
We will cast them out and take back power just like our forfathers did over 200 years ago, because we are Americans. We believe that the Constition is SET IN STONE, not some "Living Document" meant to be changed at the whims of power hungery men who considerthemselves some kind of devine Saviors, or Demigods.
We are strong, resalute, and driven toward freedom. We are Proud, hardworking, and honorable. We don't need some Government coddeling us, and we won't stand for it when they try.
I do not want to see bloodshed, I prey fervently that that will be avoided, but not at the cost of our freedom.
Thomas Jefferson once said:
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."
Thomas Paine stated:
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one." -
The words of James Madison:
"If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one, subject to particular exceptions."
Again, from Thomas Jefferson:
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
And finally, from Benjamin Franklin:
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security."
My friends, we must take the words of our founders to heart. I have heard MANY refer to people who follow these words referred to as "Extremists, Ignorant, radicals, and even Terrorists."
If following the words of the most intellegent men ever to life, the founders of the greatest nation on earth, ond the protectors of freedom and liberty, makes me any of those things, I will wear that title with pride. I am not a Terrorist, nor am I ignorant, or an extremist.
I am a partiot.
Patriots remember history. They follow the examples of great men, they recognize right from wrong, and they are willing to fight to defend that which is good.
This Healthcare reform will be the financial end of American freedom, lest we act NOW! we cannot hesitate, we cannot "wait and see what happens," while we are taxed into oblivion, while our freedoms are further robbed and taken out from under us.
This is a call, not to war, but to action. Who amongst the population will answer?
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