"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
-Thomas Jefferson

Monday, March 22, 2010

Something has occurred to me: It is the new Status Quo, that Health care is a "Right." So, it seems as though Food and Drink should also be a right, Perhaps shelter as well?
Here's an Idea: Maybe we could have our government distribute our food to us based on what THEY deem appropriate for each citizen, Just like health care, and then they could give us our shelter as well! Heck, lets just throw out Capitalism all together and go completely to Communism; That sounds acceptable, doesn't it?
How could it possibly go wrong?


.............................I can't imagine any way that government control of health care, food, and shelter could ever go wrong.

Some may not be able to see the connection between health care and sustenance. But It is VERY obvious to me, that it is another inevitable step. Some people are uninsured, we'll provide it. Some people can't eat, we'll feed them.
Isn't our new (false) Messiah so generous? Bestowing rights on us like a god? Curring his people's illness....Never mind the very human cost of all his Gracious "gifts."

It's Communism.
And if communism is so Great, why have people in Communist Nations routinely risked their lives to escape?
Even in the Liberal holy land, the Fee(albeit Horrible)Health care land of Cuba. People routinely risk their own lives, and the lives of their families on a gamble of long odds, to ride any piece of scrap they can find to com to the amazing, CAPITALIST America. Because Freedom is THAT important.

But here we are, throwing away our hard fought reward of freedom; and for what?
A false promise that SOME, not all but SOME Americans will be covered for limited health insurance, and a promise of further control of our very lives.

In writing this, I've been trying to think up one instance of when a Non-Criminal has ever fled the Us, for freedom; The funny thing is, I can only think of one instance, and t was the case of the parents who fled to Mexico with their daughter, trying to escape what?
Government Mandated Health care.

I'll end this entry on that note.


  1. so... putting aside that people don't "flee" America because they can legally just, like... move away, and therefore don't have to flee as much as pack their stuff and quietly leave. I'm gonna have to call your strawman/slippery slope for what it is. Incorrect and completely opposed to any historical evidence. Up here in Canada we've have public health care for quite a while now without the "dirty commies" taking over. So have most of Europe. Countries don't slowly slide into communism. Communist regimes come from revolution. It's a quick change not a gradual shift. just because you get national health care doesn't even remotely imply any sort of communism or nationally controlled food or housing, It is not only not an obvious step, it's a historically non existent step. The slope is not slippery, and if you DO slip and break something, you'll get patched up without worrying about whether you can afford it or not.

    Speaking from peronal experience as someone who lives in a country that has it, national health care gives the government no control over your life whatsoever. I can go to any hospital I want, I can book with any family doctor who's offering spots, I can buy my perscription drugs from any provider I want. The government (or more accurately the tax payers) just fund the whole thing allowing a single payer system that get get better deals and is run by people driven by the wellbeing of the nation, not profit.
    On a more important note, if we DIDN'T have public health care up here I would LITERALLY be dead right now.
    About a month ago I was having some minor chest pains, I didn't think it was anything big, since I'm way too young and fit for heart issues, I figured it was something wonky with my chest muscles, but I went to the hospital anyways just to be safe. It turned out one of my lungs had spontaniously collapsed and without treatment I'd probably have died.
    As a college student making minimum wage, if I had to pay a couple hundred bucks or whatever to get those tests done, and then thousands for surgery/hospital stay, I would have just not gone because I cannot afford to pay a couple hundred dollars for "probably nothing".

  2. You're very insightful for such a young man. Keep up the good work my friend.
