"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
-Thomas Jefferson

Monday, November 16, 2009

The True face of American Racism.

Before I begin addressing hot topic issues, I would like to quickly address a few misconceptions that I hear far too often.

One is the belief that the extreme of the far right is Nazi Fascism.
We all know that the extreme of the left is typically communism. But Nazi Fascism also falls under this same category. They are two branches of the same tree. NAZI was a shortened name for the German Socialist Workers Party.
The right, wants SMALLER government, it supports the belief that all men are created equally, the faith in ULTIMATE freedom.
So what is the extreme of the far right? Anarchy. Yes, Anarchists are the extreme of the far right, not Nazi’s.
So , you may ask, Why then were the Communists and the Nazi’s fighting each other during WW2? Because both parties are oobsessed with conquest and control, and neither can share power.

Further, I Believe it's important to point out the facts about the Left's history of Racism, a practice in which both Communists, and obviousely Nazi's have engaged.

See, We have been indoctrinated so much to believe that the Democratic party is the party of Racial untiy. This is not true, They don't even say it, they use the word "DIVERSITY" Look up the word Diversity.
di⋅ver⋅si⋅ty–noun, plural -ties.
1. the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness.
2. variety; multiformity.
3. a point of difference.

The very deffinition MEANS DISUNITY!!! They are the party of segeigation, but they wan't you to believe that the Right is the political path to hate and racism. They have been speiwing it so much that both parties have begun to believe the lies.

Again, I say the left is the party of racism, segregation, and hate. Their long track record speaks for it's self.

You don’t believe me? Lets look at some key moment's through American history:

-The American Civil War, The Confederates were Led under the Democratic party.

-President Woodrow Wilson enacted Segrigation within the Military.

-February 3, 1870
After passing House with 98% Republican support and 97% Democrat opposition, Republicans’ 15th Amendment is ratified, granting vote to all Americans regardless of race

-April 8, 1865
13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate with 100% Republican support, 63% Democrat opposition

-May 10, 1866
The 14th Amendment, guaranteeing due process and equal protection of the laws to citizens of all races; passes. 94% of Republicans Voted YES; 100% of Democrats voted NO.

-February 3, 1870
15th Amendment is ratified, granting the right to vote to all Americans regardless of race.
98% of Republicans voted in favor, and 97% of Democrats oppose.

-February 8, 1894
Democrat Congress and Democrat President Grover Cleveland join to repeal Republicans’ Enforcement Act, which had enabled African-Americans to vote

This could go on for pages, so I’m going to skip ahead a bit.

-January 26, 1922
The House passes a bill written by U.S. Rep. Leonidas Dyer (R-MO) Which makes lynching a federal crime; Senate Democrats block it with a filibuster.

-August 17, 1937
Republicans oppose former Ku Klux Klansman and Democratic U.S. Senator Hugo Black, appointed to U.S. Supreme Court by FDR.

-March 12, 1956
Ninety-seven Democrats in Congress condemn Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education, and pledge to continue segregation in schools.

-June 9, 1964
A 14-hour filibuster against 1964 Civil Rights Act takes place. U.S. Senator, and former Ku Klux Klansman Robert Byrd (D-WV), (who still to this day serves in the Senate) is at the middle of the fiasco. Republicans condemn the act.

Again, this could go on, and on.

The Left claims to support Unity, or as they like to call it. “Diversity” but they are nothing short of Liars. Their record speaks for it’s self. They are the destroyers of liberty, they hate unity, and they are corrupt.
If you would like to read more concerning voting records on these, and other issues, they they can be found on http://www.senate.gov/, House.gov…………blah, blah, on and on. The easiest, and most informative place I would recommend however, would be http://www.black-and-right.com/
Go look it up for yourself if you don’t believe me!


  1. The left-right spectrum idea is archaic, obsolete, and ambiguous. It's a far-too simplified way of expressing complex political ideas. (If I may criticize your use of it...)

    But anyway... I will say this much, the liberal idea of affirmative action is a racial policy and should NOT be tolerated. I will not necessarily say that there are any more Republican "racists" or Democratic "racists." That term is thrown around too loosely anyway.

  2. I agree. Both sides are so much alive in their Overbearing governmental control, that the lines have become blurred into near oblivion.
    I simply wanted to point out that loyalty to "the left" for racial reason's is rediculious.
    I agree 100% with your point regarding affirmative action.
    Thank you for your comment. I always appreciate civil discussion, and other points of view.
